Our daughter, Peyton Grace Seymour, was born on November 10th, 2010 at 5:11pm. She weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. She is absolutely perfect and Kevin and I could not be happier. We realize just how blessed we are to be her parents.

Peyton seems to be taking after us already. She was one week late (I seem to always be late wherever I go!) and she probably would have hibernated a bit longer had we not been induced. She was happy as a clam right where she was. We were supposed to be admitted on Monday, November 8th at midnight, but the hospital called to tell us that there were no beds available. We were instructed to call back at 4am in the morning to see how busy they were. We called and they were still swamped. They had us call back every 2 hours until 11am when they finally instructed me to come in for a Non Stress Test. So at 3pm we arrived at the hospital for the NST. The NST came back looking fine and we were all set to be discharged and come back the next day, but right before we were about to leave, our doctor happened to walk by our room and Kevin caught her attention. She pulled some strings and was able to get us admitted right then and there (nevermind we stayed in the "admitting room" - the size of a walk in closet - for the first night!). We were just happy to finally be getting the whole process going. At 9pm, they gave me some medication which had to be administered for a 12 hour period. They instructed us that the medication only worked like 50% of the time, and if it didn't work the first time, that we would have to try again for another 12 hours. Spending 24 hours lying in bed didn't sound like much fun, so we were really crossing our fingers that it would work the first time around. At 9am the next morning, they checked to see if I had started to dilate, and I was finally at a 2. I had spent two weeks at a 1, so I figured any progress was good progress. Then around 10am we finally moved rooms and lucked out with a private room. I was having contractions pretty regularly, but they weren't anything I couldn't handle - at first. They started me on Pitocin shortly after and the contractions increased in strength pretty noticeably. For the most part, I was doing pretty good. It wasn't until they would check to see how dilated I was did it move me to tears. It was so uncomfortable! That discomfort coupled with increasingly painful contractions was getting to be too much. At noon, I asked about an epidural, just in case. Our nurse said it would take about 15 minutes to get the anesthesiologist in to administer one. So, I kept that in the back of mind, but I had really wanted to wait it out until I just couldn't take it anymore since I had heard that sometimes epidurals slow labor down. I definitely didn't want that since it had taken so long just to start labor! But around 12:3opm, I had had enough. The nurse checked me and I was only at a 3 (after 3 hours!!!), but I was over it. I needed pain relief. The anesthesiologist came in around 1pm and by 1:15pm, I was in heaven!!! Thank GOD for epidurals! I felt nothing - no pain, no pressure. It was great. I was able to sleep for an hour or two and just relax. Around 4pm, I started to feel some pain (in my butt of all places!). It felt like I had done a million squats and that my buns were on fire. My nurse suggested I move positions so that the epidural could circulate. After 30 minutes, I was still in the same pain, so she decided to check me again. Amazingly, I was at a 9!! Hallelujah! She immediately called the doctor and by the time the doctor arrived around 5pm, I was more than ready. I only had to push for like 5-10 minutes, through maybe 3 sets of contractions. And then my daughter was born..... There is absolutely no way to even describe the feeling that comes over you when someone puts your daughter in your arms for the first time. I am tearing up just writing this. She is perfect and innocent and the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me. After just a moment with her, I could not imagine life without her. I can't wait to share all the special moments in life with her and watch her grow into an amazingly beautiful little girl (just not too fast!). So that's our story. Hopefully, as time permits, I can keep the blog updated about our journey through being new parents and Peyton's big milestones. Here are a few pictures of our daughter. :)





Congratulations!! Enjoy every moment it goes by SO fast I can't believe Hallee is already 6 weeks old. Peyton is beautiful friend!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you Lindsey! Your story and words were so sweet. You are such a good mom! Hope to see you guys soon!