Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Finally an Update!

I know it’s been forever since I actually wrote anything on here. I seem to only find time to post pictures – and even that is a rare occasion!!! So here goes:

We’ve been a busy busy family over the last few months. I started back to work on March 1st and Kevin seems to have been working like crazy too. Peyton is growing like a weed and no amount of wishing will make that slow down. She has been such an amazing baby - bar these last few days where she has decided to wake up at almost every hour of the night! But even if I have to wake up every hour, nothing beats the smile I get when I say “good morning” to her. That almost makes up for the complete lack of sleep.

...Grandma and her girl...

During her 4 month check-up, she weighed in at 11.5lbs – she’s my teeny tiny baby, being in only the 6th percentile. I thought she would bulk up once she started on more of a formula diet (since she’s at the sitters now), but apparently not. The doctor said she was fine, since she’s always been on the small side, so we’ll just have to try really hard to get some more rolls on that girl. It might be some sort of battle since she doesn’t really like applesauce and has to be in just the right mood to eat her cereal. So far, she’s only really eaten a good amount of cereal when grandma fed her. I must not have that special touch?! I guess we will just have to keep on trying. I think soon we can try pears and the orange veggies.

We went to Mammoth over St. Patrick’s Day weekend. It was so nice and relaxing. That’s actually when Peyton tried rice cereal from a spoon for the first time. She did okay, but she still hasn’t mastered the art of keeping more of it in her mouth than on her face.

...The beginning of a miserable drive out of town...

...My little snowbunny...

We are also getting ready to go on our first road-trip in our new RV we bought with my parents. The five of us are headed to Pismo Beach over Mother’s Day weekend. We’re hoping for some nice weather, but it seems you never can tell these days!! What is going on in California lately with all this crazy weather??!! This will also be our first trip to the beach with Peyton, and since she seems to have inherited Kevin’s skin color, I have the SPF 50 and 80 all ready to go! (The 80 is for Kevin). I’m hoping she will love the beach, because I do so much. I can’t wait to take her down to dog beach and go riding in our beach cruisers with her in tow. All in good time I suppose.

...Daddy and his little lady...

We are working on Peyton sitting up like a big girl now. It seems she would rather go straight from laying down to standing up though. She can also get her little butt up in the air when she is laying face down, almost like she is getting ready to scoot somewhere. We also need this little girl to learn how to sleep on her tummy!! Every single time she rolls over in her crib, she wakes up and starts crying, which means I wake up (and nearly start crying because I’m so tired sometimes). So those are our two goals this month.

...This little girl loves her tongue!!...

Okay - that's my update for now. I'll really try and keep everyone up to date! Thanks for stopping by!!

Love - The Seymours

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

We hope everyone had a great Easter. Our day was filled with lots of family fun....and lots of smiles from this little one.

~ Somebunny loves this little girl ~

Lucky Us!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Kevin and I feel so lucky (more like blessed) to have this little girl in our lives!!
She makes us smile every day. :)

We hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!!

Love - The Seymours