So yesterday was the big day. We had our doctors appointment with the ultrasound to finally find out the sex of the baby. At first, the baby didn't seem to want to cooperate. "It" was face down with its legs firmly together, and wasn't budging. We almost thought that we just weren't going to have any luck and would have to agonize for another four weeks until our next appointment. But, our ultrasound technician finally got the baby to move just enough so that you could see between the legs - and sure enough - (just like I thought) we are having a GIRL! Kevin is still wondering if the technician made a mistake since he was SO sure that we were going to have a boy, but I know he is excited to be having a daughter. I overheard him talking on the phone to a friend from work last night, and he's already started thinking of names. So now the big task will be to come up with a girls name that we both love. We had already decided on a boys name that we both really liked, so I think God has a funny way of showing us that life never goes according to our plans (but maybe rather his). Either way - we will be extremely happy to have a healthy baby in the end. So now it's time to shop for all things girly! :)